Monday, October 31, 2022


 Today is the funeral mass in Knoxville, TN for Sister Albertine Paulus.  She lived to be 93 and what energy she had for all these many years.  I am humbled and happy to have known a saint in my lifetime and she is one.  She loved her imperfect church, but its imperfections never daunted her.  Rather it gave her energy and the urgency to push on to make church and world a better place.  And she was fun too.  She worked for ecumenism and interfaith activities when it was not a major focus for others.  She had a diocesan job but was not a bureaucrat or desk person.  And she kept me on my toes when I was pastor there.  Many a time I wanted to coast but she always pushed the pace.  I am blessed that I knew her and was influenced for the better by her.  May she Rest In Peace.   

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