Sunday, October 23, 2022

Too Much Too Soon

 When I go into church I like to look at the bulletin.  Some bulletins have very little going on but the service.  But some have a lot going on and I wonder if it is too scattered.  I like the "singular purpose" idea.  Recovery programs and Trappist Monasteries have a singular purpose. AA says it will help you to stop drinking.  Why not more of "save the world stuff?"  Because recovery believes that you are already gifted, but alcohol has gotten in the way.  Their process of recovery reveals all the good potential in you and gives you the confidence to make the world you live in a better place.  But they don't have that as their primary purpose.  Conversion first.  Then the rest will follow.  You go from wet to dry to sober to Wow!  Are any of these blogs a Wow?  Or have I lost my singleness of purpose?  Anyway, I trudge along in the monastery.  


  1. You also trudge along in my spiritual growth and help me expand, whether you know it or not. The Wow you give is part of what joins me in my meditation every morning. Keep sharing your rich light, it's one of your gifts. 🙏

  2. Some WOWS, many helpful

  3. I pray for the people that are alcoholics and those that are addicted to drugs especially .y brother in law Roger
