Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Business Meeting Prayers

 Don’t make all your prayer time business meetings with God.  Those prayers are all about agenda items, things you want from God, or want God to do for you or others.  Then from your side you promise to do somethings for God, some pious, active, verbal devotion, or some kindness for others.  These are good prayers but they cannot be “all” your prayers,  You need meditation time, where you sit, rest, walk in silence and solitude, letting go of random or purposeful thoughts, with no agenda accept what God might want.  And God might simply want to be with you.  Prayer is not about changing God.  It is about changing you from the insides.  


  1. My day is unexplainabley better when I just let go and enjoy the silence this practice gifts me.

  2. Great; yes! Just love.

    Re. "Then from your side you promise..." Sounds like I'm telling God that if I do something for Him, then He'll love me back. (I realize you didn't say that, but that's how it sounds to me. And I have to admit I act like this quite a this for me and I'll do that for You.") But God loves me even if I don't do those "somethings for God."

  3. On the way to Holy Mass or if I'm coming from bowling or teaching Religious Education I have been talking to a God in my car praising him for the most beautiful fall we have been having in Colorado Such vibrant lovely colors the color of the skies I Can't not stop praising him for such magnificent beauty That is God's beauty
