Monday, October 3, 2022

Morning Choices

 I make a choice each morning to do such things as a fresh cup of coffee, spiritual reading and meditation.  Some stretching too.  Why all this?  I am not getting holy.  But I have come to realize that being happy each day is a choice most of the time.  Yes, there is sudden bad news, and illness and so on, but as best as I can in response to life on life's terms, happy is a choice.  Some people drink to be happy.  That is a short-term solution at best.  Some have sex but that in itself does not make them happy.  Happy is a choice that comes from insides energy, heart energy.  Feed the heart and the choice is easier.  The heart cannot digest selfishness, or resentment, or a general bondage to self.  Someone said that the choice to be happy each day is to "dress in spiritual armor."  It is an armor that does not weigh me down but frees me up.  Light armor in the summer of course. 

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