Friday, October 28, 2022

Another Solution

 Prejudice is another solution to loneliness.  We like to stay tribal because it makes us feel that we fit in somewhere, somehow.  My opinions, become truths if I hang around with people who agree with me, look like me and act like me.  Some people use religion to deal with their loneliness.  They go to worship with people like them, with similarities sufficient to make them feel comfortable.  It is tribal.  There are black churches, white churches, conservative and liberal, and what not.  They feel “right” if they are in their tribe.  Opinions become truths.  But when we walk away and go to some privacy away from the tribe, the unease of loneliness can return.  A solution is to get angry with people who don’t agree with us.  We end up talking to the television or the computer screen.  Loneliness: the unattended reality of being human.  


  1. Being alone but not lonely is important

  2. Totally agree and appreciate 🙏. Drop the comparisons and opinions JUST BE. ❤️ LOVE. ❤️ GO WITH THE FLOW OF GENTLE LIGHT 🙏🙏🙏
