Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Comfort Zone

 Many senior men get into a comfort zone, or bubble.  They don't want change.  God could come to them, an angel messenger, and say to the man, "You are going to get something you have wanted all your life!"  The senior man would probably say, "Rather not."  Recall Scrooge in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."  He was offered a different life, a better one, but it would mean change and effort.  He would rather live in his known misery.  Zechariah, in the Gospel of Luke was told he would finally have a son he had wanted his whole long marriage.  Zechariah would rather not.  Old monks like their routines.  Routines have a place, but not when they get in the way of the "better" way.  I am a senior man, and have to watch for this.  "Comfort" is not a goal, but a way station to ongoing growth.  

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