Sunday, January 1, 2023


Every decision I make or made in my life changed how things were for others.  We are interconnected.  I look back and think that I made a wrong decision or say, "What if?"  But if I had made a different decision than the lives of others would be different.  Instead of saying "I should have done this instead of that," I realize the "this" that I did effected the lives of lots of persons.  Had I chosen "that" I would not have even met those people or lived in that place or done that work.  Example: I was a terrible seminarian and barely got ordained.  I was not going to get a plum assignment. They sent me to the outback of Aldine, Texas.  It turned out to be  the best thing for me.  I was a terrible student at Columbia MBA school.  Almost last in my class.  Got one good job offer, to Chicago.  My girlfriend on the East Coast dumped me.  I took the job in Chicago to get away.  There I met the Paulists.  I am still being carried along by a power greater than myself.  Don't discount the life you are living.  Just live it.  Be kind.  The novel, The Midnight Library  It is a good one.