Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Concealed Presence

 What are those Catholics looking at when they see the round white and thin wafer that they eat and adore?  They “see” a concealed Presence.  Physically, what they see is a round white wafer of bread.  The Presence of their God, their Higher Power, is hidden from the view of eyes, but seen at some deeper place within them.  Nonsense?  Superstition?  But then again, this Presence that Catholics see, moves them to become more loving, more at peace, a better person.  Or so one hopes.  Hidden Presence is not just in this example.  Say you are in a Recovery meeting.  Do you see the Higher Power with your eyes?  No, but you do see people helping one another, becoming sober, better persons.  This is the Hidden Presence of a Higher Power.  To go from being a drunk to being a sober and loving person is quite visible.  God is at work in such miracles.  This Presence is about change.  When you look at an item in a store window, clothing, jewelry, a computer, you do not see hidden presence.  Even if you purchase such an item, you are not going to become a more loving, kind, forgiving and  compassionate.  And maybe such a consumer purchase is the real nonsense.  I would prefer the recovery meeting or the worship space of a church.  And it is a lot less expensive.  Spiritual power is free.  At least to those who are not bound up by self.  


  1. Being useful and loving, instead of choosing shiny stuff, keeps me from being like a racoon 🙃
