Sunday, July 14, 2024

Me And You

 Why is it that I so often feel better when I help another person, or contribute to a group effort, or get a task done that benefits others?  I think it is because in service to others I stop thinking about myself.  Two things often happen when I think about myself.  One, I fantasize.  Two, I whine and suffer self-pity.  Thinking about me too much, there is never enough.  The real world is never enough for me.  Fantasy is a solution to that.  Just get out of the real world, reality, the present moment.  I find that when I am of service I am thinking about someone other than myself.  Plus, I have learned to be of service without expecting results to go as planned or to be thanked.  Get out of me.  


  1. Love this and feel it's so true! How are you, Father Ryan?🌷

  2. I feel what you are talking about when I give communion to the elderly in end of life care.
    It always creates great sadness in me when one of them dies.
