Monday, July 22, 2024

Focused Thought

 Focused thought can be very helpful in learning to meditate.  How so?  Pick up a spiritual subject book and begin to read from wherever you left off or from the beginning.  This reading is not like reading a novel to get from beginning to end with various scenes flashing by.  With the spiritual book, read slowly and as soon as a phrase grabs you, holds your attention or becomes the AHA moment, stop there and just focus on that which grabbed hold of your mind.  This is the way to focus an inquisitive mind.  Again, there is nothing wrong with an inquisitive mind.  Unless you want to go deeper into yourself in a way that the inquisitive mind might simply pass over.  You are trying to help the inquisitive mind to stop and pause on something that grabbed your attention.  Or to slow down its inquisitive pace.  It is sometimes called Lectio Divina.  

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