Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 To what degree has your faith penetrated and changed your very existence, your way of seeing and living life?  A Catholic might say to me that they now go to mass on Sunday.  OK.  But that is a bit like someone who says they are in recovery that they did not take a drink today.  Yes, a change, a good one, but not very deep.  A lot of the rest of your life, the way you see and experience daily life also needs to be penetrated and this takes a lot more work then some first steps.  First steps are called “first” because they imply subsequent steps, actions.  Some days I do the bare minimum, but I will not remain, much less grow, in a spiritual life on this pace.  Putting on my jogging clothes is not jogging.  It is an early step in the process.  Growth is work.  


  1. "Faith without works is dead" comes to mind. I have to participate in my growth, it doesnt happen on its own or by wishful thinking. 💫

  2. Yes. I remember with great fondness those early steps and the way they propelled me into my present life..
