Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Deeper Surrenders

 All conversions point to deeper surrenders, more conversions.  An Alcoholic goes into recovery and “surrenders” their choice to drink, use or whatever is the addiction.  They think they have finished up recovery.  They converted from taking in to leaving off, from drinking/drugging to none of it.  But this is only the beginning.  But those who know, don’t say that.  Just come to meetings, read the literature, work the steps with a guide, help others.  The deeper surrenders will come in time.  You don’t tell an early convert this.  People join my church.  They think they have arrived.  I give them some regular practices.  Something within their wheelhouse.  Simple but consistent.  In time God will ask for more, and deeper surrender.  The challenges of life will seem daunting at times.  But Higher Powers are patient and will ready us for the future.  If you whine, then you have not kept your side of the street.  

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