Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 When people say they have “faith” most often it means that they believe something, some doctrine, and the morality it warrants.  It might even be an emotional experience of faith, but none of these guarantees a complete change of life, transformation.  Transformation goes deeper than what we believe or how we think we should act.  In transformation, everything changes.  In recovery, everything about a person changes over time if they keep to the process, steps, meetings, service, reading and zero use of any addictive stuff.  When will transformation be complete? Well, never.  It just keeps going deeper into the self, all the hidden crevices that hold the reasons and energy of why we acted so badly in the first place.  I try to be a person of faith each day.  And I don’t do it alone.  


  1. There's no finish line in recovery and for that I'm thankful- it keeps me growing and in my faith 💕

  2. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
