Saturday, July 13, 2024

Managing Results

 Not much changes if you are only trying to manage the results.  a drunk might say, “I don’t want to have any more hangovers.”  The drunk wants to cease getting drunk.”  If this is the focus, then nothing changes.  Results are a product of behavior.  A bad action must be replaced with a good action.  But the drunk does not see the connection between craving another drink, and getting drunk.  The good thing about bad results is that they tend to hurt.  I have found that pain, a lack of joy in my life, makes me look at my behavior, including attitudes.  On a spiritual path, with some good advice, I find the connection between pain and behavior.  I used to blame people, situations and places for making me miserable.  And the result was a bad decision.  But God saved me from myself.  That is, I was most often the problem.  So now I work on my side of the street.