Sunday, July 28, 2024

White Flag

I heard someone say, “The White Flag of Victory.”  That woke me up.  I always thought of the white flag as a surrender and those who surrender are the ones who lose.  They are not the victors…that is, unless you are in an addiction or a battle to ignore any spiritual path.  To finally surrender to the fact, the reality, the truth, that you are an addict, is really to have become a victor.  Because then you are through fighting your addiction unaided, unless you count your blotted ego as a strength.  There are days when I have to wave the white flag of unmanageability.  I am having an unmanageable day left to my own efforts.  So I reach out for some help…spiritual and practical.  Don’t try to do unmanageable alone.  That is why it became unmanageable.  Tell someone, God or another person or both.  Fortunately, I am not trying to do today all by myself.  I keep a white flag nearby on a daily basis.  Even travel with it, metaphorically.