Monday, July 29, 2024

The God Fight

 A lot of people fight the battle against any spiritual path that includes a “God idea.”  What they are fighting, so often, is the “idea” and not the experience of God as an energy in their lives.  You can deny an idea but it is seemingly impossible to deny an energy.  You suddenly see a flower in all its blossoming beauty and it takes your breath away.  The experience is a God Creator experience.  And the flower becomes more than a flower.  Isn’t your day a lot better for experiencing that flower that heretofore you ignored or did not see?  Ideas of God do not really satisfy many people.  Some like the “idea” God because it makes them feel secure or “correct.”  Many of us need something deeper.  Wave the white flag of victory and give up seeking to be nourished on ideas only.  


  1. Being open to connecting with the heart is a powerful gift of love in action
