Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Shoe

 I am reminded that skipping prayer on any day, is like trying to go through the day with only one shoe on.  You can do it but it will be uncomfortable and a lot of work.  The time you wasted walking around on one shoe could well have been used in prayer time earlier in the day.  When I skip prayer, I think that I am going to get a lot of other things done, but it never seems to work out that way.  The spiritual life is the other shoe that I left behind.  It is a form of insanity.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this simple visual 💕. Starting my day off with the actions of gratitude, prayer and meditation is a privilege and a gift. Its become a part of me no matter where I travel or have going on. Your blog has been a part of my routine for 7 years now, thank you Father Ryan! 🤗
