Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Being Catholic I am familiar with why a lot of people like to go to receive holy Communion or Eucharist, the little white wafer.  The belief is that the host is Christ, as in Jesus Christ.  To receive it makes people feel better and/or closer to God.  While this is so, it is not the point.  The wafer becomes Jesus, so that those who receive it will become Jesus.  But from what I read in the Bible about Jesus, there are times he did not feel better or feel closer to God.  On the cross he felt abandoned and certainly did not feel ok being whipped and crucified.  So I have to remind myself that when my life seems painful and God seems to have abandoned me, quit whining.  I am becoming Christ.  So I have ceased trying to “get” something I want, when receiving communion.  After all I am weak and selfish and sometimes all about me.  I am glad that I was baptized as a baby and told that I was a Catholic, because if I had to choose it as an adult, I am not so sure I would have signed on.