Thursday, August 1, 2024


Sobriety is like a mode of transportation. It takes you from one place to another, all places you can handle.  A vehicle, something with wheels, rails or wings, tires, can take you physically from one place to another.  But how you show up is an inside job, and that is where sobriety comes in for the addict in recovery.  If they have to go some distance or be in a very unusual place, like a wedding, they have to plan the inside stuff.  How to act like an adult living the gifts and fruits of the spiritual life?  Recovery never takes anything for granted.  It is a daily project, one day at a time, you might say.  Would that all of us would do such planning.  Our insides travel with our outsides, and though we might be meticulous about the outside stuff, we too often assume or forget about the inside response to a very different situation, than our daily routines.  If your sibling who drives you crazy is going to be where you are going, what is your plan?  So don’t look down your nose at the addict in recovery.  They know how to get help wherever they go.     


  1. ...and we don't do it alone anymore, thank God for that 💖
