Sunday, August 4, 2024

Yuck to Selfless

I don’t seem to want to be selfless.  I pray to get things that I think will make me happy and in control.  I might be willing to be helpful if I know and want the results, the payoff for my ego.  To pray selflessly, is to surrender focus on my list, and simply ask God to help me be of service without worrying about the results or even the effort in service.  Just surrender.  If I can surrender to God’s agenda and plan, then I might learn how to be more patient, kind, compassionate, less critical or judgmental.  So service in God’s plan really can change me.  That is why I should not so concerned about the results.  That is just more ego.  Service is a way of making me a better person.  What a sane and sober way of living!

1 comment:

  1. Love the title and love the message ❤️
