Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Immediate Attitude

 Often addicts, when they begin to pray, or anyone for that matter, have a certain lack of patience.  Such people want immediate results.  Prayer is not like instant heated and eaten foods.  A newcomer to prayer needs to be reminded that God’s time, or Higher Power time is not our time.  Prayer is ultimately about being changed.  Few of the newcomers begin by praying for transformation.  Many of us never pray for it!  The results will come at the right time.  A person might ask for an obsession to be removed, for instance.  Nothing happens while on their knees.  Or so it seems.  So they get up and go through their day.  Come later in the day, the evening, they suddenly realize they have not thought about their obsession.  What they could not do for themself was done by?  Maybe there is a God!  Patience.  

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