Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fully Self-Supporting

 I know of a group on a spiritual path that is fully self-supporting.  It is in their rules of organization.  For what purpose?  Well, they don’t worry about money.  Either the members give or the group goes out of business.  No worry means no resentment or fear.  The group has the humility to admit it does not have to exist.  If it cannot pay its bills/expenses, then that is a sign it does not serve a sufficient purpose.  I try not to worry about money.  Do what I do.  If contributions don’t come, then it might be a sign that I am not needed in this endeavor.  My blogs are free.  But my computer is not.  If I cannot pay my expenses, it might mean that what I do is not all that important.  I sell my computer and go live as a hermit in the forest.  Don’t hermits have expenses?  So maybe there is no way out, but I try to remember my group that is fully self-supporting.  No resentments or fear.  Or an ego that thinks I must exist because of my “important” purpose.  There are lots of spiritual teachers, so I am expendable.  Yet my ego hopes that I will be a hermit who is missed.  Character defects never really go away.  

1 comment:

  1. You're a beacon of light to many, never doubt that, and I'd prefer you not become a hermit 🙃💕🙏
