Friday, August 16, 2024

First Failure

 Lots of victories are preceded by failure.  The cross in Christianity precedes resurrection.  In recovery, a slip is common.  That is, one enters into recovery, vows never to ingest whatever again, and then does it anyway down the road.  This “failure” can bring them back to recovery full of humility and the knowledge that they need to do those steps and follow the winners, most of whom have had slips in their past.  We learn how to do something well by first doing it badly.  A beginning violinist is an ear sore.  Sports are full of early failures.  Michael Jordan, the great basketball player, could not win a championship in his first several years as a professional.  Then, he could not lose.  Failure came first, even to the great ones.  So don’t be too hard on yourself when the spiritual life does not seem to be going the way the book says.  Keep at it.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes Jordan lost again and again to those Pistons until he and his support system improved. The change was that they became a team rather than a one man show.
