Thursday, August 22, 2024

Focused Thought

 Focused thoughts are called lectio divina in some circles.  It is a method in which you slow down the inquisitive mind so it can be taken deeper into the heart of prayer.  You do this by picking up a spiritual book, or book of spiritual content.  You begin to read it from the beginning or wherever you left off previously.  As soon as you come to some phrase, or content that seems to grab you, such as some discovery, you pause there and focus on that content.  Close your eyes and just let that phrase  work on you.  Or keep your eyes open as long as your inquisitive mind is focused on this specific content.  This is one way to be taken deeper into your heart, where you might even let go of the focused thought, close your eyes and just be in the moment.  I tend to read spiritual books more than once since I am changing over time and different contents will grab me one time that I did not notice in a previous reading.  


  1. Love this and will try it out this morning, thank you! 🤗

  2. This prompts me to reread sme of the key books that have "moved me to spiritual growth/action" in the past. Time for me to reread "That Man Is You".
