Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Right Thing

I did not want to do it.  A fellow priest with whom I live here in San Francisco had cataract surgery and needed to go to the Veteran’s Hospital the next day to check it out.  He asked if I was available and I said no I was going to the Presidio to run.  But when I went to bed I did my “examination of conscience” and said it was the right thing to do to take him to the hospital rather than let him blindly look for a Uber of Lyft, with his one good eye.  It was truly the right thing to do.  I did it with a good mood and we made it fun.  The hospital is near the ocean.  The doctor invited me in to hear about the results and what my friend needed to do.  So I would be his medical aide.  Then we went for a drive to the Bay and ocean to smell the sea and hear the waves.  Then a tour through Golden Gate Park, to conclude with a visit to a wonderful donut shop with good coffee.  A 3 hour fine time together.  Being unselfish, doing the right thing, can be quite a good surprise.  


  1. What an happy example of the Promises coming true, yay for you and your friend! 💖

  2. what a blessing of a day.

  3. Agreed..Sometimes my selfishness keeps me from feeling good in spite of myself
