Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What have you Got to Lose?

 Say you meet a person whose life is a bit of a mess.  Ask them if they pray.  If they say no, ask why not.  Whatever answer they give ask them, “How is that working for you?”  If they know that their life is a mess, out of control, they might be open to giving prayer a try.  “What do you have to lose?” You might say.  They have nothing to lose by trying it.  What might they pray for?  How about asking that their obsession for bad behavior be removed.  If the person is beyond the “blame game” they see that a lot of their troubles are self-inflicted.  So, two things here can bring us to prayer.  We know our life is a mess and we are not blaming others for the mess.  Amazing how the spiritual path starts at a bottom.