Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Forgotten Wisdom

Wow is Me!  I have lived simultaneously in too many places that I have complicated my life into forgetfulness.  Example, here I am in my Boulder office with a printer that has not worked since before Covid.  So I unplug it.  Then inspiration!  Maybe a Higher Power.  I open a panel in my office that I rarely open, to see if I want to ship or get rid of something.  A printer!  I think,  "What is a printer doing up there.  It must be an old one."  I take it down.  It has never been opened in its shipping box.  Brand new!  I had an idea years ago to replace my old printer, and forgot that I bought a new one.  So I shipped it to where I need a printer.  So if you are getting like me, you might think about simplifying your life.  I hope to be moving in that direction.  Maybe time to retire.  

1 comment:

  1. It was just waiting for the right moment for you! I love those little gifts that show up when I need them 💕
