Saturday, August 3, 2024


 How do I enlarge my spiritual life?  Good question.  If I wait for God to reveal God’s Presence and action in my life, I might enlarge nothing but my ego.  My ego says that if I wait, God will act or show up, as if I need do nothing more.  It makes me a sort of wannabe spiritual adept.  How about if I move from waiting to “seeking” God.  Action on my part.  What a concept!  Waiting on God assumes God will do thus and so because I am waiting.  Why should God act just because I am waiting?  My willingness for God’s action is a bit Willy nilly in this waiting.  What am I afraid of if I seek God?  That I will fail to get whatever I am seeking?  “Oh yea of little faith!”  Humm.  I don’t control God.  But I can surrender.  Surrender and seek.  A big step.