Thursday, August 29, 2024

Three Step Prayer

 For skeptics, the obtuse, the non-believer, you might suggest a prayer practice that is quite simple and straightforward.  It is three steps, as someone said.  Stop. Drop. Pray.  Stop doing whatever you are doing.  Whatever you are doing is maybe part of the problem.  Like whining, blaming, living outside the reality of the present moment.  Get on your knees.  Now that is humbling and maybe difficult physically.  But it is a different posture from anything else you have been doing.  Then pray that your difficulties be handled by “whoever.”  It is a first step in handing something over, admitting defeat, surrender.  All good things when your life is a mess.  If I cannot stop thinking crazy, I ask “whoever” to do it for me.  What have I got to lose?  Three steps.  I use a rubber mat for the knees.  

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