Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Solitude needs an aloneness that does not come with any one place.  It is not so much spacial as it is deep.  Deep is what makes for a companionship with God.  It is not an isolation or withdrawal from human relationships.  In fact they may be better for the solitude.  God offers us the gift of solitude.  No one place can satisfy.  This depth of prayer has no permanence in any one place.  I cannot say, “If I but live here instead of there, I will find depth of prayer.”  Place does not create the depth.  It is gift, but it must be sort, yearned for in our darkness of prayer.  This more surface darkness is but emptiness, a kind of blah or even boredom.  God is waiting to see if we will give up when things are not going “our” way.  If you have reached the point where you are all in with God the thirst will continue.  The deeper companionship is beside the restful waters of the interior heart.