Monday, August 26, 2024

Break Dancing

 Break Dancing is now an Olympic Sport in Paris.  Where did it begin?  The Bronx, my boyhood home.  When people make fun of The Bronx, as being less than, I can remind them of such things as Break Dancing.  The Bronx is very creative and this is an example.  So when you think of where you lived your early years, try to find out about something good that was going on there either then or now years after you left there.  We tend to put down places where we never lived and feeling sorry for the people who live or lived there.  I loved my Bronx years and found it to be a great place for a little boy to grow up.  For whatever reason, beauty and inventiveness stays in the shadows of what might be problematic or ugly in some places.  The Bronx does not blow its own horn.  It should.  Don’t be like my Bronx.  Let your best self shine.  People need the light.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this and am grateful for your light, and the insight into the Bronx! 🌷
