Monday, August 19, 2024


 We are all called to poverty.  What?  Where you have no bank account, or enough to survive?  No.  Poverty in a spiritual sense means that you do not hoard, because others have needs too.  Remember when covid first came out in about 2020?  People hoarded toilet tissue among other things.  If a big storm is coming, people tend to “stock up” with way more than they need.  Then there is a shortage for others who are in the same situation.  When I see something in a store, supermarket, that I really like, but is rarely there, I try not to take all of it.  Take some and leave the rest for others.  What I need and what I want is not the same.  If I go into a meeting and there is one donut near the coffee, I take half.  This is how I practice poverty.  The other half is always eaten by someone else before the meeting is over.  You might say, why don’t I leave the whole donut for others?  Because I will be thinking about it the whole meeting.  I am not yet that transformed.  


  1. Can't find the strength to go to a meeting...but I would definitely split the kindness

  2. Donut transformation is always a challenge ❤️
