Saturday, August 10, 2024

Finish Line

 There is no finish line, as someone reminded me.  Life does end, but transformation  and sobriety don’t end any sooner.  I am not so sure they end with natural life.  So I am not running a race to become all God wants me to be, since a race has a finish line.  I just keep going each day.  Plus, I accept that there might be some steps backwards, as character defects and faults have a good day or good moment.  But I don’t stop and whine.  OK, maybe a little whining if I am tired, or hungry.  But just keep going with good practice, and good habits as best I can.  We are human, not perfect angels, who by the way are not human.  Eat right, sleep right and stay hydrated.  Oh, yeah!  Prayer and service for a world larger than oneself.  

1 comment:

  1. Love all of this, thank you Father Ryand and hugs heading your way! 🤗
