Monday, August 5, 2024

The Petals

 Each day we can be like a flower that opens up its petals to become our fullest selves, and to make a better day for others.  The flower blossoms in its time, trusting that all is right for it to open up.  When we are afraid of all around us or within us, it will be this fear that keeps us from blossoming.  We stay closed up upon ourself.  We are so beautiful within, but we hide it behind our fears of one thing or another.  To blossom is to change from closed up to fragrant beauty.  There is a time to be closed up.  That is our private interior spiritual life.  Here we are turned within to examine or to have revealed by our God or Power, what needs attention, so that we might go through our day blossoming for others.  Many others need our good example of trust, hope, and love, so that they too will blossom.  With an interior life, everyday can be a blossom day for us.