Monday, August 12, 2024

The Starting Line

 A race starts at the starting line, not in the middle.  Cheaters enter the race in the middle.  Their reward is as fake as they are.  Every day, spiritual development has a starting point.  It is humility. This is where I am.  There is more to do.  I try to start my day, the race motif, if you will, with humility and gratitude that I even have the energy, desire, and willingness to get going to become a better person.  Pride does not need to become better.  It is already the “best.”  With humility at the start, I am less likely to judge others, or to expect super-human from myself.  Just one step at a time to get better, and not worse.  The day is a gift.  God, my Power, must have a plan.  Prayer opens me to it.  Humility says I need this Power.  Don’t rush out of bed as if you have missed the start of something.  Humility is the start.  

1 comment:

  1. Asking God to direct my thinking before my feet hit the floor, then moving on to prayer in meditation in the next room, helps me start my 'bonus' day in recovery in the right way. So very thankful for each gift, and for your blog! Happy bonus day!❤️
