Thursday, August 15, 2024


 There is not much spiritual growth in work if it is done out of a sense of servitude, that is obligation, forced upon us by various circumstances.  Think of housekeeping.  If you find yourself resentful, judging other people as lazy or too messy, then there is not much love while you housekeep.  What love is there if you do it as a job?  But you could do some of the same work if the attitude changes to work as a service.  Be of service to others.  Love might enter into it at times.  In recovery, when one person helps another in order to keep themself sober, there might not be much love.  But if the helpfulness, the care, is done as service, then love has a chance to grow in the relationship. If I am going to do a work anyway, I try to look at my attitude.  I want the work to benefit me as well as the ones who profit by my efforts.   My blog is work but I think of it as a service.  So I love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so very loved yourself, Father Ryan, and I'm thankful every day that I get to wake up with your blog. 💖 Thank you for your friendship and service! 💫
