Thursday, July 23, 2020

Burial Clothing

Why are people who are buried in caskets, dressed so well?  Priests are buried in their habit, clerical clothes, vestments for mass.  Loved ones look for just the right dress or suit or finery for the dead loved one.  But are we not all returning to God?  Isn't that the point?  If we are returning to the mythical Eden and hopefully, divine embrace in oneness with the Creator, did we not start out naked in such embrace?  Clothing was the cover for our alienation, shame and guilt as I recall the Genesis myth.  So if we are hopeful of this return to God why not go naked as when creation started out before we messed up?  At least when you are cremated I think you go into the furnace in nakedness.  God is fine with nakedness.  Maybe I will put this in my will.  Save the nice clothes for some one who is in need.  That is a good way to go out of this world.  

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