Saturday, July 11, 2020

Try Less

Someone said, "I am trying so hard to find God, and no luck."  I suggest that they try less hard, or don't try so hard.  Do not have any particular goal for that matter.  Well, how does one try to find God without having that as the goal and not trying so hard?  Do less and be found.  If you are trying to find God then you already have some idea of what success will be.  God becomes some confined object of your imagination or past catechism/Torah/Koran classes.  God is not an object, so God cannot be found in some concrete fashion of our mind or emotions.  Your heavy lifting efforts are just another way for you to feel some control in the quest.  So what to do?  One, meditate.  Two, don't pay attention to thoughts.  They are obstacles.  You will need some method for this, but even the method should be done gently.  If you have a mantra or sacred word, don't focus on it.  Just gently refer to its edges when you are focused on thoughts.  Otherwise the method become the focus.  Let the silence surround you.

1 comment:

  1. Let go of everything surrender to the universe apply the principles in your daily work smile the world will smile back adapt and change yourself but not others God is in you Love and radiate unconditionally love around you Bless you all
