Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 At some point prayer becomes painful and dry.  It won't happen immediately.  At first it will be a buoy to keep you afloat in your drowning world.  Prayer at this level appeals to the senses.  We feel good or better.  Many people in Recovery steps have this experience.  And they have faith in a Power or God or Ultimate Reality.  But if you stay with meditation, the invitation will be to let go of whatever pleases the senses, of feeling good, and just sit in silence and stillness.  Wait.  At this point prayer can become painful and dry because you have stopped directing it.  You lack energy and even lack interest.  This is the Dark Night of The Senses.  God, your Power, now goes to work with God-Agenda.  Stay with it.  It gets better, after it gets dryer.  


  1. "Invitation..." , this reminds me that I'm not alone, ever. How beautiful is that?

  2. Very inspiring thanks
