Thursday, February 2, 2023


 The root of the word "Salvation" is to "come home."  Salvation is a returning home, not so much to place as to the home of who you truly are.  So what is a going away from home? It is when you try to fit into someone else's plan of lifestyle, or a cultural fad, or a seemingly popular way of being so as to get acceptance from the group.  You become a "misfit" trying to fit into someone or something not you.  Coming home is finding yourself and living it out.  The truth will set you free.  Jesus did not fit in.  That was his problem with the political and religious institutions which had the power to be rid of him.  He saved us, as Christians believe, by showing us the way.  He even said, "I am the Way."  Many a Christian prefers the salvation from hell, fitting into the comfortable good people.  No cross there.  The cross is not a rebellion against the status quo or the popular.  Rebellion has a lot of anger and judgment to it.  It is rather the slow agonizing struggle often in desert silence and solitude to discover and live out the life you are made for.  You are the only one made to be you.  


  1. Meditation, prayer, along with sobriety are the keys to my connection with my true self and Love* (*God, who also doesn't live in a box)

  2. I love this understanding of "salvation"! Thank you!
