Sunday, February 12, 2023

No Relief

 If you are suffering, or if you see the world as a mess, would anything change because you say, "There is no God," or "I don't believe in God."  The only thing that would change is you would be relieved of a resentment against God for not fixing you or your world as you see it.  So I have not found much use in atheism when it comes to my imperfect body or world around me.  Non-belief is not a solution to much of anything.  Many people who say there is no God are really angry at the God they don't believe in.  "I'll punish you God.  I won't believe in you!"  Rather than worry about the depth or power of my faith or lack thereof, I try to sit with me and get quiet and still.  Quiet means not only outside noise, but inside noise of my porous imagination or mind.  Often, either I get to feel better or less miserable, or I come up with a solution of action for the outside world that is more potent than mere impotent disbelief.  

1 comment:

  1. Remember the first sentence in the book The Road Less Traveled? Life is difficult. Once we accept life on life’s terms we are on the road to heaven and heaven on earth
