Sunday, January 13, 2019


Families are perfect in an imperfect way.  A parent gets her kids to church.  They are late and are not acting very pious.  But they are there.  Showing up takes a lot of time, effort, patience, acceptance and humility.  When you get a gaggle of children anywhere, pat yourself on the back for “showing up.”  You could have as easily given up.  Years later, these same children, now adults, will talk about those showing up times.  This is when you get the assurance that your showing up was worth it.  At the time, you had your doubts about being a parent.  Some of the best surprises for parents come years later.  Why is that?  Why not immediate gratification?  So that parenting does not become an ego trip.  When it is all about you, that is when you do only those things that make you look good.  And the children miss out on the “showing up” times.  Under the dysfunction are the wonders of family bonding.  Remember that even Joseph and Mary lost their child in a big city, thinking he was with the other parent.  Parents are holy.  Perfection is not required.

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