Sunday, January 27, 2019

Glutton Free

You have heard of gluten free food.  It is all the rage now.  But I am more focused on glutton free food.  What is that?  Well, gluttony is when you keep eating past what is healthy.  It is part of the “more” syndrome of actions we do to bury feelings about reality.  Something is not going my way.  I get anxious, angry, resentful and then eat the wrong things or too much of a thing.  Reality did not change,nor did my capacity for acceptance.  But I messed up my body with food.  So, to be surrounded by glutton free food I need to be in some fit spiritual condition, such that I can accept reality as it happens each day.  I can accept something without liking it at the moment.  I need to get out of being judgmental because I often find that what seems bad now, turns out to be very beneficial later.  A higher power than me is at work, but does not always give me the memo as to where reality is going.  So I tend to pray before I get too far into my day.  A balanced diet is in direct proportion to a balanced spiritual practice.  I have found it so.  Oops!  I am thinking of chocolate.

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