Friday, November 20, 2020

The Right Space

 Have you ever noticed that there are times when disorder seems to reign all around you?  I have.  Things are a mess and people are making the mess.  Why won’t everyone shape up?  I find later, that the problem was me.  I was not in a good space.  I was not centered within.  How do I know this?  Because when I am more centered within, connected to a deep silence that can permeate my day, the world around me seems better or maybe I am just more tolerant and compassionate and forgiving.  I cannot seem to change those around me by any criticism or even exemplary behavior on my part.  So I work on me.  I generally have a better day of acceptance of “disorder.”  I am in order.  

1 comment:

  1. I get it. I am obviously not "centered within”. Every time I go to the trash room in our building I get so mad I could scream. All the containers are labeled with instructions but you can’t imagine that trash ends up in the recycle bin, loose trash in a bin that is marked ‘bagged trash only’, etc. etc. I could take everything to an outside dumpster but instead I go to the trash room and get upset. I live with idiots.
