Tuesday, March 19, 2019


In the famous story, “Noah and the Flood,” it seems that the God in charge of creation got fed up with  the bad behavior of humans.  There were no recovery programs back then, so when a person started down the road of being bad, they just kept going and getting worse.  So God decided to do away with all humans and animals.  I guess even God can get carried away since I don’t know why birds have to be exterminated because of our bad behavior.  But then again, we are doing exactly that today with our bad behavior.  But I digress.  Back to Noah.  He was the one person who found favor with God.  So God decided to keep a few of everything around in the Ark.  See, one person can make a difference in a world of bad people.  So the next time you think you cannot make a difference, think of Noah.  Be the best you can be and work at it on a daily basis.  Why? Well Noah got drunk after the flood ended, when he got onto dry land.  Good behavior takes daily effort.  Well, at least for me it does.

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