Monday, March 25, 2019


Did you know that you have oxytocin in your system naturally?  It gets elevated when you help others.  Say what?  Well, oxytocin is the feel good hormone in the body that gets a natural boost when you are helpful to others.  This is why we often feel better when we get out of ourselves and be of service.  For addicts who are always looking to feel better, being of service is highly recommended rather than some outside drug/alcohol.  But what if you are selfish and self-centered?  When I am into these moods of self-implosion, I do not get a hormone boost when I am helpful.  I get resentful, complaining, whining, judgmental and grumpy.  So it is best that I try to keep away from character defects that keep my oxytocin low.  My birthday is this week, March 28, and you get a chance to elevate your oxytocin!  😇

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