Sunday, March 10, 2019

The So Not Solution*

Sometimes I have low self-esteem issues coupled with feelings of loneliness.  Ugh!  Well, I know what NOT to do.  Do not try to escape into unrealistic thinking.  Though it won't make me bodily unhealthy, like sugar and drugs/alcohol, the world of fantasy is a dead end.  I have found that I get nothing out of it, but a brief respite from boredom.  Fantasy life ignores the real me.  I am my own worst friend when I live in fantasy.  Would I not try feel badly if someone were to reject the real me and try to make me be someone I am not for their own pleasure or comfort?  But I do exactly this to myself whenever I go into fantasy.  Boredom, loneliness, and low self-esteem can be a doorway to some creative activity or some outreach to a healthy group of friends.  Fantasy goes nowhere.  Fantasy has me becoming someone I will never be.  Creative moments are when I come up with something that makes me a better me.  First things first.  Be real.

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