Thursday, June 16, 2022

8th Grade Graduation

In my memorabilia I discovered a memory book of pictures and quotes from fellow 8th graders in my book.  I also discovered that I had written in my vital statistics.  I had a 28 inch waist.  What happened!  On another page I saw listed the three things I wanted to be when I grew up.  The first choice was “PRIEST.”  What!  I don’t remember writing that when I was 14.  I have at times thought that God took me on only because I was not much good or successful at anything else.  but now I realize that it was my destiny.  I am what I am suppose to be.  God has been after me for a long time.  But maybe all my drifting here and there, my life-time friends, different road experiences, were all part of a blessing to make me a better priest.  So don’t beat yourself up about “wasting time,” because it might have been all those experiences that gave you the depth to do more fully, your destiny.   


  1. What a wonderful gift to your future self and I'm so grateful that we share one of those roads. You are a tremendous blessing in my life and countless others. I'm so grateful for you and your blog, thank you and hugs across the miles! :)

  2. God was helping you pack you suitcase for life.
