Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Like Yourself

 Do you like yourself?  A good question to ask each day, because it can effect and affect how we go about our day.  What if I am grumpy or nasty around people, impatient, intolerant, unaccepting of life on life’s terms?  Or what if I just don’t want to be with anyone.  Avoidance!  It is easy for me to be alone in a monastery, so I have to check my motives for doing so.  I could hide behind “I need my space,” or “I am here for quiet contemplation.”  Maybe yes, but if the energy behind anything is “I don’t like myself” then I need to do some spiritual maintenance.  Morning mediation, is my check on “liking me.”  If I don’t like me, then woe is the world around me that day.  Isolation is not “being alone” time.  Criticism, judgment and resentment follow.  If you are having a lousy day, check up on this question: Do you like yourself?

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