Friday, October 23, 2020

Filler Upper

Why do many people in their 20s want something big and exciting to happen in their life?  I suggest that it might be because they are empty inside and this is the "Filler Upper" whatever the exciting thing is they are looking for.  It might be marriage, a career move, an advanced degree, falling in love, or LSD, or whatever they ingest nowadays.  When I was in my 20s I did not know I was empty on the insides.  I was "unfulfilled" maybe, or sometimes bored, or thought my life meaningless, but it did not occur to me that outside stuff would not fill the inside.  I entered seminary/religious life when I was 29.  This was my ticket to happiness!  Wrong, but sometimes, we make a good decision but for a wrong reason.  It was the best I could do to fix me.  It did not fix me.  But God works with whatever we give God and so I stumbled along being of some use to others.  Fortunately, no big deal was made of my ordination by my group. There were 9 of us, too many to focus all the attention on any one or two like we do today.  Plus, I don't think anyone from my parish came to the ordination.  My homilies were kind of fluff, though kids liked them.  I could aways connect with kids, maybe because I had not grown up yet.  But eventually, I spoke three of the best words ever and it was a miracle.  I NEED HELP!  And help came to me.  Today, I still stay in touch with help.  I am not doing life under my own power.  And kids still like my homilies, though they will have to come to a monastery now to hear them.  


  1. Took me 40 yrs to say I need help. And it was as if God put out the word that I was in trouble. The amount of people that came to my rescue in the next few days was astounding. It is twenty five yrs. later and I still ask for help and answer the call for help when needed.
    Pride almost killed me.

  2. Help is sign of strength your inwards has realised that your working start from from inside rather from outside The universe will start helping you and you become less igonarce and start radiating unconditional love to every living breathing life
    Look inwards and you see nothing we come from nothing and we are a force of energy love cherish for energy cannot be destroyed
